My Experience with Ovarian Cyst (part 6)

As Dr. Kavoussi's nurse told me before, I had to call them on the first day of my cycle so that they can set up the date of my surgery. Today, December 30th, my period started. I called the nurse.
She asked,"When did it start?"
I said,"About 10 minutes ago"
She asked, "Does it flow?"
I answer,"No."
She said,"OK. Call us back when it flows."
I don't understand what the flow has to do with my surgery date?? This is just ridiculuos.
But I did call her again few hours later, just before the clinic close.


I started to walk and run daily From what I read, walking will help me recover faster after surgery. Our treadmil that used to stay folded and dust-wrapped in the corner of our front porch now is back to work. To motivate myself, I uploaded my favorite songs into my iMac shuffle before I jump on the treadmil. Sometimes I was carried away with the songs that I sang loudly. So loud that Loel came out and said,"OK. I think we need to adjust the speaker a bit low. Can we?" he..he.. I never thought it'll be this fun! I gradually add up my speed and distance. But my daily goal is not less than one mile.
I'm still taking my supplements and herbs but stop doing the 'mostly-raw' diet. I eat lots of spinach to build up my blood cell and drink my 'greens' smoothie daily. I made this smoothie by blending mixed frozen fruits (mango, pineapple, peach, and strawberry) with spirulina and wheat grass powder. This, together with colostrum and thymulus, help relieve my allergy to cedar polen that is high for the last few days.
God! Allergy! Sneezing, snorting, coughing... these are to be avoided after surgery. The image of my sutures ripped open after sneezing came suddenly before my eyes...geee....what should I do?? A friend at work who underwent 2 times cesarean told me to use pillow and press it againts my abdomen whenever I need to sneeze or cough or even laugh. OK. One problem solved! But I'm still nervous. Jesus, please help me...