Happy New Year!

December 31st, I got a call from Dr. Kavoussi's office about the date of my surgery. She asked if January 13th is OK for me. I said yes. The pre-op would be the day before surgery where I would be on liquid diet all day, no solid food and dairy allowed. After midnite, I have to avoid any kind of food and beverage until the surgery. I should avoid taking any pain relieve a week before surgery. I need to take Dulcolax or Mirulax to ease constipation that is expected after surgery. I wrote all this instruction on my notebook.
That new year's eve, we stayed home. We rented some movies and open a champagne when the time hits 12:00. I cooked some Indonesian dishes: sayur lodeh (young jackfruit cooked in coconut milk with spices), nasi kuning (yellow rice), and perkedel jagung (corn fritter). I told Loel, my mom used to cook these dishes on special occasion but with more side dishes, such as fried chicken, sambal goreng tempe (fried tempe and potato in red chili sauce), tofu, emping, and serundeng (fried grated coconut with ground meat). They really brought back sweet memories of my families and friends in Surabaya.
The day after New Year, Lily called me, invited us to her house. She had the turkey cooked. That was the 15lbs turkey I got from work. Loel made traditional American dishes: blackeye peas and corn bread. He said, we have to eat this to bring good luck in the coming year.
It was more like a private dinner attended by 3 other families. I brought my leftover Indonesian dishes and Loel brought his so we can have different dishes from different cultures.
We went back home at around 9pm feeling tired, maybe still had a bit hang over, too. That was a good champagne, I must say...he..he.. Oh, and my resolution is simple, get rid of this cyst and get well, and stay healthy. Amen!